Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Low Carb Lifestyle Leads to Dramatic Weight Loss

Dan before at 340 pounds and after at 182 pounds

Thanks much to Dan for submitting his story; 

The sudden death of my wife of 37 years from diet related causes changed my life. I knew I had to make a change or I would be next. For the sake of my children still at home I began to study.

I began living a low carb high fat lifestyle two and a half years ago. I�ve lost 158 pounds, my type 2 diabetes is gone along with a heart condition. I feel great. I�m 6 foot tall and now weigh 182 pounds, that�s down from 340 pounds.

If I can do it you can do it. Read my blog for my story: danmoffett.blogspot.com

Also check out his first few blog posts which are loaded with extremely useful information and resources, including links to some very excellent podcasts you can listen to: Drop wheat and sugar.. 

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